Nordic Paediatric Cardiology Meeting 2023
Organizer: Finnish Cardiac Society, Congenital Heart Disease working group
Venue: Hanaholmen Culture Centre, Hanasaarenranta 5, 02100 Espoo. The center is located west of Helsinki city center. Hanaholmen is served by the metro. The walking distance from the nearest metro station ”Koivusaari” to Hanaholmen is approximately 1,1 km. The travel time with metro to ”Koivusaari” from Helsinki Central Railway Station is 7 minutes (four stations). See:
Scientific programme has now been published, see here (updated 12.9.)
Scientific astracts have now been published, see here.
Social program: Get-together party: September 13 at 19.30-21.00 at Hanaholmen. Dinner: September 14 at 18.00, Hanaholmen Restaurant Plats (Smart casual).
Dead line for abstracts: August 15th, 2023. To submit an abstract, download the abstract form (Word) from the website and e-mail your abstract to Please indicate preference for oral or poster presentation when submitting abstracts. The oral abstracts presentation is on Friday 15.9.2023 at 9 pm. Recommended poster size is 120 cm height and 90 cm width. Pins for posters are provided on-site. Viewing of posters is scheduled during coffee and lunchbreaks. The authors of approved abstracts will be notified by e-mail by end of August 2023.
Meetings target group includes; Pediatric cardiologists, pediatricians, cardiologists, anesthesiologists, intensive care specialists, heart surgeons, specialist nurses working within the congenital heart disease field.
The Meeting's goal is to update the latest information on key special issues in pediatric cardiology.
Registration: To register, fill the web-based registration form. The registration is accepted after the registration fee has been paid. The accepted methods of payment for Finnish participants are e-invoice sent to participants email as a PDF attachment or to the employer. For participants outside of Finland the invoice will be sent as a PDF attachment to participant’s email with participants details. The invoices will be sent after August 24th. The registration fee must be paid in full by the registrant. Payment by credit card is not possible. The deadline for registration is August 23rd, 2023. The registration will be confirmed by e-mail. In case of cancellation, no refunds can be made after August 14th. On-site registration is possible after the registration deadline only for participants living in Finland until August 29th. Registration is required for all participants including session presenters and chairs.
Registration fee: Registration fee is 300 eur and it includes scientific program, get-together evening, coffee breaks and lunches.On-site registration fee 400 eur is applied from August 19 onwards. Seperate dinner fee is 50 eur.
The registration has now been closed.
Accommodation is booked in two hotels; Hotel Hanaholmen and Hotel Holiday Inn Helsinki West (Ruoholahti). The organizers wish that the Finnish participants and presenters book accommodation from Hotel Holiday Inn Helsinki West.
Hotel Hanaholmen
Lodging at Hanaholmen 13th to 15th of September 2023
We have reserved a contingent of rooms at a special rate for the participants of the conference under the reference “NPCM2023”. Check in at 3pm and check out at 12am.
The rooms have a special conference price which includes breakfast, morning sauna and swimming hall.
144€ for a standard single room per one night
164€ for a standard double room per one night
82€/person - if two single persons share a double room
For practical reasons the participants have to make the booking themselves using e-mail.
Email: (online booking is not possible at Hanaholmen)
Please mention the code “NordicBalticNetwork”
Deadline for hotel room booking and also cancellation is August 13th 2023.
Method of payment
The guests settle their room bills at the hotel.
Hotel Holiday Inn Helsinki West (Ruoholahti)
There are also rooms available at Holiday Inn Helsinki West (Ruoholahti), Sulhasenkuja 3, 00180 Helsinki along the metro line. See:
Lodging at Holiday Inn Helsinki West September 13-15. Room rates include breakfast:
131 € for a standard single room per one night
151 € for a standard double room per one night
Please, make reservations no later than August 18th, 2023. All guests can book rooms themselves through the following link: Suomen Kardiologinen Seura
Bookings can be made with booking code S13 also by contacting the hotel directly via telephone/ email using contact details mentioned below.
Hotel conctact details:
Holiday Inn Helsinki West
Address: Sulhasenkuja 3, 00180 Helsinki
Phone number: +358 9 41 521 000
Reservations can be made until 30.8.2023 or subject to hotel availability.
Method of payment
The guests settle their room bills at the hotel.
For finnish participants:
Erikoistumispisteet: Tilaisuus on hyväksytty erikoistumiskoulutuksen teoreettiseksi kurssimuotoiseksi koulutukseksi 14 h ajalta seuraaville erikoisaloille: anestesiologia ja tehohoito, kardiologia, lastentaudit ja sydän- ja rintaelinkirurgia, työterveyshuolto.
Palaute/ todistus: Suomen Kardiologinen Seura on koulutuksia järjestäessään sitoutunut noudattamaan Pro Medicon (Duodecim) suosituksia sekä sitoutunut täydennyskoulutuksen laadun arviointiin (Duodecimin sähköinen arviointijärjestelmä). Todistuksen saamisen edellytys on palautelomakkeen täyttäminen ja palautelinkki on voimassa 2 viikon ajan lähetyspäivästä alkaen. Linkki lähetetään ilmoittautuessa annettuun sähköpostiosoitteeseen ja todistuksen saa tulostettua lomakkeen täyttämisen jälkeen. HUOM, tulee täyttää tietokoneella (ei mobiililaitteella), jotta saat tulostettua todistuksen (ei voi tulostaa toisella käyttökerralla). Linkki palautelomakkeeseen lähetetään kurssin jälkeen paikan päällä tai alustalle etänä olleille osallistujille.
Further information: Taisto Sarkola,
- abstractform_npcm2023_v040423.doc
- npcm2023_scientific_abstracts.pdf
- npcm2023programme_v120923_updated.pdf